Reims Training Camp
25th June, 2023
Oliver writes:
"My first experience of being in the GB team came with an excing trip to Reims for a prep camp. After a long rst travel day, we made it to Reims where we had access to both a 10-lane 50m indoor pool and an outdoor 4-lane 50m pool. We were in Reims for 3 and a half days, having two 2-hour pool sessions and one gym session per-day depending on how my programme was set out that week. Reims was an amazing place to be welcomed into as a team, and with the hotel being the same one that the GB swim team will be staying in for our holding camp for the Paris 2024 Olympics; it was great to get an insight to how things will work and for a bit of familiarisation in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympics next year. "