Olympic 'A' Cut Secured

15th June, 2023

Over both weekends of the West Midlands Swimming Summer Regionals back in May, Oliver competed in 3 of the relays. In the Men's 4x100m Freestyle relay, Oliver led off the relay and notched a PB of 51.52 setting a new university record in the process, where the team finished strong to come home 1st with a time of 3:31.02. 

On the second weekend, Oliver swam the 4x200m Freestyle relay where he led off again and swam another lifetime best of 1:56.15. Finally, on the last day of the meet, the University of Birmingham team of Oliver Morgan, Sam Neeld, Alex Sharman and Adrian Ting swam the 4x100m Medley Relay and finished first with a time of 3:52.09 notching the 2nd fastest record time of all-time from the University. Oliver's split was 53.71 which was a new PB and within the Olympic 'A' qualifying time. This means that having achieved this time, he is eligible to compete at the Olympics. 

Currently, Oliver now has both Olympic 'A' qualifying times for the 100m Backstroke and 200m Backstroke!